Sabina's Image

I'm Sabina!

Meeting users where they are, I aim to turn needs into meaningful solutions. Embodying the principle of leading without authority, I find stories within the pain points and drive action.


Project 1

Trailblazer ~ LoRaWAN Checkpoint Tracking for Remote Trails


Working in a team of 5 for our Final Year Design Project creating a real-time tracking device aiming to reduce the amount of time for Search and Rescue to find lost hikers. Championed the mechanical design of the product, ensuring robustness and weather resistance for outdoor environments.

Project 1

Hikewise ~ Hike Finding Platform

Nov 2024

Hikewise was a solo project where I prototyped a trail-finding web platform for hiking enthusiasts using Figma. This prototype finds trails in the user's area and displays them on a map, providing details for the user such as estimated time of completion. The prototype includes a sign-in flow, search functionality, and marketing page. Try the prototype for yourself below!

Project 1

PillPal ~ Medication Management Platform

Dec 2024

Designed an interactive platform aiming to reduce missed prescriptions for older adults and provide a summary for caregivers. Tested the final designs in a demo environment.

Project 1

1Password ~ The case for encrypting at the item level

May - Aug 2024

Coming soon!

Project 1

Driving Up Sharing at 1Password

Sept - Dec 2023

Whether you’re sharing a Netflix password or sending over an important tax document, there is always a risk with sending decrypted information. My goal was to increase visibility, usage of the sharing feature and ultimately drive up account sign-ups attributed to share links for both B2B and B2C clients on the 1Password platform. The result was a series of 5+ feature releases to which a 55% increase in feature usage and 4-5% of total account sign-ups are attributed to.

Project 1

Designing a B2B CRM Hero Page

Jan - Apr 2023

At LenzVU, a CRM software platform, I designed a detailed dashboard hero page using Figma and Tailwind CSS, aiming to help boutique gym business owners make well-informed decisions and maintain personalized relationships with their clients.